The Importance of Proper HVAC Care

Three Tips For Troubleshooting Your Furnace

Have you turned on your furnace and do not feel the warm air coming from your vents? If so, there is likely a problem with this common household appliance. Here are three tips for troubleshooting your furnace. Inspect The Igniter Your furnace's igniter will get very hot in order to ignite the gas burner, and a faulty burner will not cause the furnace to turn on. There are several ways that you can tell if it is working. Read More 

Get The Most Out Of Your Propane Heating With These Tips

If you live in a cold climate, heating your home in winter is a necessity. However, you have some leeway when it comes to selecting the type of heat you utilize. You can choose between gas, electric, or even wood-burning heating. When installing a new heating system in your house, you should choose propane. Propane heating is efficient and cost-effective. You will still be able to use it if the power goes out, and it's no more difficult to maintain than an electrical heating system. Read More 

How to Troubleshoot Your Air Conditioner

If you're like many people, you don't give your household appliances much of a second thought until something goes wrong. If your air conditioner suddenly starts acting up, you may be wondering if you need to call a repairman. Here are a few tips to help you troubleshoot your air conditioner: 1. Check for service lights. If you notice your air conditioner isn't cooling the room as effectively as it used to, the first thing you should do is check for service lights. Read More 

Cutting The Cost Of A/C Replacement: Tips For Cash-Strapped Homeowners

According to a leading industry cost comparison site, the current average cost of installing a new residential air conditioning unit is now more than five thousand dollars. Cash-strapped homeowners who do not have the funds to easily cover this cost may worry about whether their current system will even last for another cooling season. Luckily, there are a variety of possible ways to make the purchase of a new air conditioning system more affordable. Read More 

5 Unwanted Air Conditioner Noises and What They Might Mean

Modern air conditioners should operate quietly. At most, you should hear a slight rushing noise as air blows out of the vents. Any noise louder than that could indicate that something is not quite right with your air conditioner. Open your ears and take a listen—here are five unwanted air conditioner noises and what they might mean. 1. A Clattering Sound If you notice a clattering sound that seems loudest right near the air conditioner itself, the noise is probably coming from the large fan that pushes the air-conditioned air out through your home's ducts. Read More